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Author Guidelines

This journal does not have any article processing charge (APC)

Characteristics of the articles
The submitted articles must be original contributions that have not been previously published or are not under submission at another journal or under consideration for publication in another form.

Extension and file format
Articles must have a maximum of 7,500 words and a minimum of 5,000, including the title, the abstract, the keywords and the references. They will be sent in OpenDocument (ODT) format. Some text processors that use this format are (free software): LibreOffice; Calligra. Both have versions for the Windows operating system and OS-X. In the case of book reviews, the extension will not be less than 600 words or more than 1,000 words.


Articles can be written in Spanish, Portuguese or English.

If the article is accepted for publication and has been written in Spanish or Portuguese, the authors must send a complete and professional translation of the article into English within a maximum period of 15 days, at their own expense. No article will be published without a full translation into English. If the quality of the translation is considered deficient, the article will be returned to the authors and may be definitively rejected.

A "Certificate of English Editing" must be attached to the manuscript, certifying that the text of the article "was revised and edited for clear and precise English, including style, grammar, spelling and punctuation". This certificate must guarantee that your manuscript was revised and edited by expert English translators/editors. Non-certified translations will not be accepted.

Cover Letter
It is compulsory to send the "Cover Letter" file, which must be signed by all authors (preferably with digital certificate, otherwise scanned handwritten signature).

Author metadata
In the user profile of the platform ( the following information must be included:

- Identity: Surname (The academic signature -name and surname- must be standardized according to international conventions to facilitate identification in the main databases. FECYT Document).
- Contact: Affiliation (Name of the University and Organization of the author) and Full postal address of professional character (Center / Department / Service / Organization).
- Public: ORCID Identifier (

Structure of articles

The articles must be written in accordance with the rules of the APA Publication Manual (American Psychological Association, 6th edition).

The papers must include the following elements:

1. Title: must be informative, clear and direct. It must not contain more than 20 words (maximum 2 lines - 100 characters). Must be submitted in Spanish (or Portuguese) and English.
2. Abstract: it must present in a synthetic and precise way the basic information of the article. According to the IMRaD structure, you must present the justification of the article and its objectives, the methodology used, the most significant results and the most relevant conclusions. The minimum extension will be of 200 words and the maximum of 230 words. It will be written in two languages: Spanish (or Portuguese) and English.
3. Keywords: at least five keywords must be included in Spanish (or Portuguese) and English. The ERIC Thesaurus must be used for the selection of these keywords.
4. Introduction: a systematic review of the literature on the subject should be included to establish the contextualization, the rationale and the purpose of the article. This review must be directly related to the research to facilitate the discussion of the results.
5. Method: the design and development of the research must be described accurately. All the components that facilitate the understanding of the methodological approach, the sample, the research process (phases), the instruments used for the collection of information and the data analysis techniques used (quantitative and / or qualitative) must be included.
6. Results: accurate information on the analysis of the evidence found. Tables, graphs or figures must be included in the text and must show, without redundancies, the most significant results.
7. Conclusion-Discussion: a summary of the most significant findings should be included. It should also establish relations of the study with other theories or previous investigations, without introducing information already present in previous sections. The implications of the research, its limitations and a prospective future studies must be presented.

Tables and Figures

Tables and figures must be integrated into the text and include a caption or subtitle that numbers the figure or table and briefly describes its content. Tables should never be incorporated as images.

Each of the figures must be sent in separate files, according to the following instructions: image files in TIFF format with a resolution of between 300-600 dpi and a size of no more than 10 Mb. Resolution below 300 dpi results in blurred, jagged or pixelated images. A resolution higher than 600 dpi may result in a resizing of the figure.

To facilitate these requirements, we recommend the use of the PACE (Picture Analysis & Conversion Engine) tool to convert the figures to the requested formats. Do not include author names, article title or figure number/title within the figure files. That information will go in your figure legend in the manuscript. When naming your figures, match the figure file name and title label to the corresponding citations in the manuscript text. Example: a figure file named "Fig1.tif" must match the citation "Fig 1" and the figure label "Fig 1". in the subtitle. 

Do not submit figures, photos, tables or other outside works unless you have and can provide written permission from the copyright holder to use that content.

Reference style
The reference style follows the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition, both in the text and in the final Reference section. All the cited references and only the cited references will be included in the Reference section. Some examples:

Valverde-Berrocoso, J. (Ed.). (2015). El proyecto de educación digital en un centro educativo. Síntesis.

Valverde-Berrocoso, J., & Fernández-Sánchez, M. R. (2018). Comunidad DIY/Maker de aprendizaje trialógico en un ecosistema digital. En J. B. Martínez Rodríguez & E. Fernández Rodríguez (Eds.), Ecologías del aprendizaje. Educación expandida en contextos múltiples (pp. 71-88). Morata.

Valverde-Berrocoso, J., Garrido-Arroyo, M. del C., Burgos-Videla, C., & Morales-Cevallos, M. B. (2020). Trends in Educational Research about e-Learning: A Systematic Literature Review (2009–2018). Sustainability, 12, 5153.

Fernández-Sánchez, M. R., & Valverde-Berrocoso, J. (2014). A Community of Practice: An Intervention Model based on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning. Comunicar, 42, 97-105.

Valverde-Berrocoso, J. (2013). El acceso abierto al conocimiento científico. Red Universitaria de Investigación Innovación Educativa (REUNI+D).

Bibliography that has not been cited in the text should not be included in the section of references. Due to their relevance for the citation indexes and the calculations of the impact factors, the references must follow a correct citation according to the APA Standard 6. It is recommended the use of a bibliographic manager (eg. ZOTERO). All cites that have DOI (Digital Object Identifier System) must always be included in the references.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • In the User Profile (section Identity) surnames have been included in a standardized form.
  • In the User Profile (section Contact) the name of the University and author's organization has been included in Affiliation.
  • In the User Profile (section Contact), the complete postal and professional address of the author has been included.
  • All authors of the article have an ORCID identifier.
  • The title of the article is included in Spanish, Portuguese and English (max. 20 words).
  • A abstract of the article is included in Spanish, Portuguese and English. In a single paragraph and without sections (min / max: 200-230 words).
  • Five keywords are included in Spanish, Portuguese and English. For its selection, the ERIC Thesaurus has been used.
  • The text includes the following elements of the structure of an article: introduction-state of the art, method, results and conclusion-discussion.
  • Text citations and bibliographics references strictly follow APA standards. The DOI of all the references that have it have been included.
  • The bibliographical references include all those cited in the text and exclusively these.
  • The text respects the minimum (5,000 words) and maximum (7,500 words), including titles, abstracts, keywords and references.
  • The text does not include the names of the authors, nor any other identifying information.
  • The article has the OpenDocument (ODT) format.
  • Please find attached the file Cover Letter with the signature of all authors.

Monográfico JUTE 2015

Ponencias base a las Jornadas Universitarias de Tecnología Educativa 2015


Artíulos para el monográfico de CIUDADANÍA DIGITAL (junio 2016)

Privacy Statement

Names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes set out in this journal and will not be provided to third parties or used for other purposes.