Digital Competence in exclusion contexts: a case study in Primaria Education




Digital Divide, Disadvantaged Environment, Technological Literacy, Primary Education, Elementary School Curriculum


The results of an investigation that focus on the study of Digital Competence from the analysis of a case study are presented in this article. The unfavorable context of a 12-year-old child (economic, social and cultural), with a family situation with high levels of destructuring, is described to analyze the influence of the different agents involved in his education, in depth in the Formal spaces, in the school environment, as informal at the family level and the potential group of equals. Large gaps are identified and emerge by contrasting the developed skills of the case with the research that analyses the proposed dimensions for Digital Competence. The results uncover that the development of them is scarce and focus mainly on processes related to communication and collaboration and related to the search for information. The research also highlights the difficulties that emerge from the school institution in order to work on this type of learning and act as a true compensatory agent. We mainly identify two limiting areas when it comes to working with digital skills: the oversizing of the curriculum of content in subjects of Primary Education and the search for low levels of conflict with families by conditioning the processes of educational innovation.


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How to Cite

Digital Competence in exclusion contexts: a case study in Primaria Education. (2019). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 18(1), 55-70.

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