Social interaction of colombian and spanish university students on social media and predominant profiles
Social media, Social networks, Social communications, Social interaction, College students, User profileAbstract
University students interact and communicate using social media (SM) and develop online activities that define their profiles as users. This research investigates the uses of SM made by Colombian and Spanish students (N=501) to interact socially, while identifying their profiles associated with the activities they perform. A quantitative methodology of a descriptive nature is adopted, with a subsequent analysis of variance confirming the existence of statistically significant differences depending on the variables gender, age and nationality. The results show that university students stand out above their peers by having a greater presence, social activity and involvement in the SM, frequently perform tasks of updating their status, publishing messages, comments, videos or photographs, sending messages, visiting and valuing other people's accounts. This helps to outline profiles as creators and critics, and on the contrary, their peers adopt collector and viewer profiles. Heterogeneous profiles associated with age related to the interests of university students are observed. By nationality, there are differences in the widespread use of certain SM and in user profiles. Spaniards stand out for being creators and spectators, and Colombians prioritize creative and critical profiles. The SM establish their own formulas of expression, so university students should choose those that best fit their objectives.
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