Teachers' perceptions of the effects of the digital divide and educational inclusion





This study seeks to analyze, through the perceptions of teachers, the impact of the digital divide and the relationship between educational inclusion and the use of ICTs in education. In line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 of the United Nations Agenda 2030, which promotes inclusive and quality education. The methodology used was quantitative, employing an ad hoc and validated Likert-type scale, to measure the perception of teachers in three dimensions: perception towards the effects of the digital divide in teaching, perception towards the inclusive use of technologies in the classroom and inclusive education practices in the classroom. A total of 790 teachers in service at the primary level in western Honduras participated. The results indicate that there is a limited perception of the effects of the digital divide among the participating teachers. Likewise, differences were found between the way in which older teachers perceive the inclusive integration of technologies in the classroom. In addition, the participating teachers' understanding of inclusive education practices is mainly theoretical. These findings indicate the existence of an opportunity to improve awareness and practical understanding of technology integration and inclusive strategies in the educational context.


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How to Cite

Teachers’ perceptions of the effects of the digital divide and educational inclusion. (2024). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 23(2), 51-67. https://doi.org/10.17398/1695-288X.23.2.51

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