Building Third Space in the Initial Teacher Training. A Practical Experience from Funds of Digital Knowledge and Identity Perspective




Identidad Profesional, Conocimiento Docente, Formación de Docentes, TIC, Métodos de Enseñanza, Métodos de Formación, Autoaprendizaje / Professional Identity, Teacher Knowledge, Teacher Training, ICT, Teaching Methods, Training Methods, Self Instruction


The initial teacher training needs more inclusive approaches to allow a coherent articulation between theory, practise and recognition of identity and knowledge of students. The purpose of this article is to explore the fund of knowledge and identity of a student at the University of the Basque Country on his training period. Furthermore, we analyse the relations created between his biographical elements and his teaching practice at school during his traineeship. We study different strategies to enable the building of third space (Bhabha, 1994; Gutiérrez, 2008), strengthening university-school relationship. The development of this experience has allowed us to discover the educational possibilities offered by a change in the epistemology of teacher training, to establish a better relationship between personal and professional areas of students, and academic and practical dimensions during their training.


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How to Cite

Building Third Space in the Initial Teacher Training. A Practical Experience from Funds of Digital Knowledge and Identity Perspective. (2017). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 16(1), 35-49.

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