Digital competences of non-university students




Competencia Digital, Políticas TIC, Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria, Alumnado, Evaluación, Percepción / Digital Competence, ICT Policies, Primary School, Secondary School, Student, Evaluation, Perception


This research aims to know the level of digital competence that non-university education students have from their own perspective. In addition, hypotheses have been made to know if there are differences in these perceptions according to different sociological variables. For the evaluation of the digital competences, the theoretical model proposed by Ala-Mutka (2011), for the systematization and /or breakdown of digital competence, was adapted on a Likert scale. In this research an intentional sampling is applied circumscribed to centers previously identified as centers that have participated in the "School 2.0 Program" selected by the Center of Teachers of Seville as centers of good ICT practices.The sample consists of a total of 336 students, 49,8% were boy-students and 50,2% are girl-students, of which 50,3% were Primary school students and 49,7% are Secondary. Overall, the results show that students perceived to have an average level of digital skills. Moreover, significant differences in this perception as to be detected if the students have internet at home (ρ = 0.012), if they have received ultra-laptops in schools (ρ = 0.001), and with respect to the age at which the students began using the computer (ρ = 0.038). The results obtained here are relevant to appraise the impact of ICT policies and digital competences of students.


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How to Cite

Digital competences of non-university students. (2017). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 16(1), 7-20.

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