Project-Based Learning to Foster Preservice Teachers’ Digital Competence
Teachers’ Digital Competence, Preservice Teacher Training, Project-Based Learning, Higher Education, Early Childhood Education.Abstract
There is a current call for more teacher training in digital competence and the necessary change in the learning processes this entails. Therefore, we present an experience where we employ Project-Based Learning (PBL) as a didactic tool to the digital competence of foster preservice teachers from the undergraduate degree in Early Childhood Education at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Our proposal followed a PBL program where students had to ideate and implement —collaboratively— a teaching project using digital technologies extensively. After completion, preservice teachers involved filled out an anonymous and voluntary questionnaire in order to assess the impact of the experience in their digital competence. In-service senior teachers involved were also interviewed. Results show that preservice teachers in their role as students were highly satisfied with the PBL training experience, especially as regard the possibility to implement their own projects in their visits to the school. Participants self-reported their digital competence improved. Our study underscores how important active learning methodologies in preservice teacher training are, and how relevant collaboration between schools and universities is.
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