Open access and anti-plagiarism in the institutional repositories and libraries of the Faculties of Education in Spain




repositories, open educational resources, plagiarism, academic libraries, Preservice Teacher Education


Institutional repositories are a strategy to promote scientific production and Open Educational Resources (OER) in universities. They offer a service that facilitates educational innovation, but also generate great concern about the lack of respect for copyright. This study analyses information on the open access and antiplagiarism policy established by 62 repositories from 75 Spanish universities that are already using this service. The stratified sample involves 20 libraries from every Faculty of Education in Spain (38.5%). The study used a mixed methodological approach, three different information collection instruments were used: repository analysis questionnaire, analysis of the libraries' web pages and in-depth interviews with those responsible for these services. The results obtained allow us to know the type of information existing in the repositories, the institutional policy of free access to scientific production, as well as the way in which information is informed, acts and prevents plagiarism in them. The conclusion is that university repositories enjoy a high degree of open access to information, but there is not much information about plagiarism. However, libraries report antiplagiarism tools and offer training initiatives.


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Author Biographies

  • Violeta Cebrián-Robles, Vigo University

    PhD candidate in the Interuniversity Doctorate program in Equity and Innovation in Education of the University of Vigo. Law Degree Master in Education. Master in Law. Expert in Mediation. Project management and Tutor of e-learning training in training companies. Member of the Research Group on Equity and Innovation in Education of the University of Vigo. Lines: Higher Education, Open Educational Resources, copyright and e-learning training.

  • Manuela Raposo-Rivas, Vigo University

    Full Professor of New Technologies applied to Education. Teaching and research related to the training of future teachers, educational technology, preprofessional practices and innovation in education. On this subject he has publications and participates in different networks and national, regional and international research projects. He belongs to Scientific and Drafting Committees of indexed journals in the field of Education and ICT.

  • María do Carmo Duarte-Freitas, Federal University of Paraná

    Professor of UFPR, Civil Engineer and PhD in Production Engineering UFSC. Permanent Professor in the Graduate Program in Science, Management and Information Technology. Do research on the development of information products and services, knowledge of engineering and information, business education and mapping of competences (e-rubrica), technologies, innovative and creative products and services, Technology Management in Education - Lean Thinking - Lean Office, research in the Digital Media Laboratory. Development of the technology visit (F-8658- 2014 ResearcherID).


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How to Cite

Open access and anti-plagiarism in the institutional repositories and libraries of the Faculties of Education in Spain. (2018). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 17(2), 41-56.

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