Repositories of digital musical materials of open character in Portugal




Repositories, Digital Didactic Materials, Musical Education, Educational Success, Primary Education


The contents multiplicity theme that integrates the repositories of digital educational resources makes these a simultaneously stimulating and enriching didactic material. In fact, they should constitute an undeniable support for the individual differences of students and be an effective source of didactic proposals to be used in the classroom context, acting as an aid to learning and students integral personal development. The present research focuses on the analysis of the repositories of digital musical materials of Musical Education in Portuguese context. The main goal of this study was to find out that open-web portals present digital didactic materials for Music Education and if these expose aspects that enhance its use in the classroom. Through a qualitative methodology and using the technique of content analysis, the contents of the available repositories were in depth analyzed. As a specific goal is to find out if the digital didactic materials for Music Education existing in the open repositories are in quantity and quality that potentiate its use as a resource to be applied in the classroom context. It should be noted that the main conclusions point to the scarce presentation of repositories as well as digital didactic resources made available to the field of Music Education.



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How to Cite

Repositories of digital musical materials of open character in Portugal. (2019). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 18(2).

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