Flipped classroom with digital technologies and metacognitive tool to potentialize higher education classes
Flipped Classroom, Digital Technologies, Metacognition, Mental Maps, Higher EducationAbstract
In the current digital context, students are increasingly involved by digital technologies in their daily lives, which drives their insertion in the educational field, at different levels of education, in order to make classes more attractive, interesting and dynamic. This research aimed to evaluate the contribution of the inverted classroom in the construction of knowledge, through the use of self-sufficient digital material and metacognitive activity, and to analyze the students' perceptions about this methodology as a teaching strategy. The self-sufficient study material was created on the Wix platform and made available on Facebook. The instruments for data collection were pre-activity, post-activity, mind maps produced by students and a questionnaire to evaluate the activity. There was a statistically significant difference in performance after experience with the inverted classroom methodology. Students showed receptivity and interest in using digital technologies and inverted classroom methodology in their academic life. The academics showed, from their perceptions, that they consider the inverted classroom as a methodology that can assist in their learning. Such information could be verified in the comparison between the results of the pre-activity, with those of the post-activity, which demonstrated an advance in learning, enhanced by the use of this methodology. Thus, it is possible to evidence the contribution of using self-sufficient material based on digital technologies, which helped students to assimilate the concepts of fibromyalgia, as it offered the content in an organized manner, meeting the needs of students.
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