Student Behavior in Accepting and Using a Podcast Aggregator in Disseminating Knowledge




Education technologies, UTAUT, podcast, APP, Accounting


Using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), this study aims to identify which factors interfere in students' behavior in relation to acceptance and use of a podcast aggregator that provides tips to students about the content disseminated in the expository class, in the undergraduate course in Accounting Sciences, at a Federal University of Southern Brazil. With regard to the development of methodological aspects, this study used the quasi-experiment method of single case projects, data were collected through the application of a questionnaire on site with closed questions, the technique used for data analysis was the modeling of structural equations (SEM), using the method of partial least squares by modeling the paths, operationalized by the software SPSS v. 017 and SmartPLS v. 3.0. After the hypothesis test, two relationships were significant (H2 and H14): expectation of performance and social influence positively impacted the acceptance and intention to use the podcast aggregator. Thus, based on the results of the Structural Equation Modeling, it was possible to know the behavior of the UTAUT constructs in the scenario of higher accounting education, with the inclusion of an active methodology that valued the insertion of a technological tool in the dissemination of knowledge.

Author Biographies

  • Alex Sandro Rodrigues Martins, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)

    He is a young researcher in the area technologies applied to education. His academic background includes a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting from Federal University of Rio Grande, a Master in Accounting from the Federal University of Rio Grande. His research interests are related to teaching methods, technology enhanced learning and education applied to accounting.

  • Alexandre Costa Quintana, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)

    He is a professor at the Institute of Accounting, Federal University of Rio Grande. He teaches and researches in the domains of educational technology and accounting. He is a Master in Manager from the Federal University of Santa Catarina and a PhD in Accounting from the University of São Paulo. His research interests are related to teaching methods, technology enhanced learning and education applied to accounting.

  • Débora Gomes de Gomes, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)

    She is a professor at the Institute of Accounting, Federal University of Rio Grande. She teaches and researches in the domains of educational accounting and manager. She is a PhD in Accounting and Manager from the Foundation Regional University of Blumenau. Her research interests are related to manager and education applied to accounting.



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How to Cite

Student Behavior in Accepting and Using a Podcast Aggregator in Disseminating Knowledge. (2020). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 19(2), 173-189.

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