«There are more images for you...». The media impact of «Temptation Island» on Spanish youth through Instagram
Media literacy, Mass media effects, Sex stereotypesAbstract
«Temptation Island» has been a revolution among young people between the ages of 6 and 24, who have made up a high percentage of the audience. Therefore, the aim of this work is to investigate the repercussion and media impact that the show's participants have had on Instagram, both from the progression of their profiles and by categorising the contents that are most present in the show. Likewise, it seeks to identify the motivations of this group towards the dating talk show. A mixed methodological approach was used, applying a quantitative analysis to establish the progression of 11 Instagram profiles of the participants. The results of the study reveal that the 18-24 year old group is the most represented group of Instagram’s followers. It was observed that romantic love is related to values such as respect and the ideal of the «better half». Hence, these viewers show feelings of rejection and shame for actions contrary to this concept. However, another sector of the public shows its approval and even normalises infidelity. This kind of programmes show a media culture based on the hypersexualization of characters, so it is necessary an education that critically analyzes the representations that these programmes make about reality.
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