Use of strategies supported by ICT and virtuality: an opportunity to explore the possibilities of the digital environment




Computer Uses in Education, Educational technology, COVID-19


During the second semester of 2021, the Laboratory of Educational Technology and Digital Culture of the Faculty of Communications and Philology of the University of Antioquia undertook the diagnosis of the use of strategies supported by ICT virtuality during the years 2020 and 2021, in undergraduate, during the time that the remote emergency education generated by COVID - 19 lasted. The study was carried out from an interpretive constructivist paradigm, with a qualitative approach and from design-based research. The results show that both students and teachers transferred in most cases their traditional practices from face-to-face to digital environments. Some found in this situation an opportunity to creatively explore the new contexts offered by cyberspace and rethink the new training dynamics for the post-pandemic future. The findings of this research aim to contribute to reflection in the field and to the formulation of the Educational Project of the Faculty of Communications and Philology that is under construction.


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Monográfico: Aprendizajes de una educación inédita en Iberoamérica: retos ...

How to Cite

Use of strategies supported by ICT and virtuality: an opportunity to explore the possibilities of the digital environment. (2023). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 22(1), 57-72.

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