Cyberbullying: literature review of educational literature in spanish
Bullying, Cyberbullying, Violence, Aggresion, Literature ReviewsAbstract
Bullying, is a reality that has not remained indifferent to the advancement of ICT. According to Garaigordobil and Oñederra (2010), the effects of cyberbullying can be as negative or worse than bullying, and the protagonists are, in most cases, schoolmates (Aftab, 2010). Cyberbullying is a phenomenon that involves the harassment of a child towards another in the form of insults, threats or extortion through the use of e-mails, messages or images sent through social networks, mobile, instant messages, etc. The objective of this research is to review publications in journals (Spanish language) about Cyberbullying from the years 2010 to 2016. A search of articles in Spanish has been carried out within Dialnet and Google Scholar. We have analyzed the articles with a table of frequencies based on the years of publication and the most relevant categories founded: differences between Bullying and Cyberbullying, prevalence of Cyberbullying (sex and age), risk factors and prevention. The results show a great dispersion, highlighting the year 2010 as the one with the most articles published and the category "Prevalence" as the most usual. In the case of new lines of research, it can be used as a basis for knowing and deepening the state of the question within the Spanish-speaking context at different educational levels.
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