DIY robotics: computational thinking based patterns to improve problem solving




Computational Thinking, Problem solving, Robotic, Educational Technology, Programming Languages


The objective is to propose a teaching strategy for programming and robotics, to facilitate the acquisition of an effective computational strategy for the resolution of complex problems. For this teaching, a "maker"; approach has been chosen, to facilitate the transfer of knowledge to real contexts. The proposed literature about the cognitive structure of computational thinking has been studied to establish the bases of the study. A course in robotics has been taught, insisting on the cognitive processes of this thinking that are commonly used in problem solving (abstraction, data processing, creation of an algorithm) in each step of the resolution, and encouraging the use of a computational strategy, using the own processes, those not employed in problem solving (decomposition of the problem, automation, parallelism, simulation). To measure it, digital tests have been created based on the multiple-complex-systems approach, used in PISA 2012. The results indicate that computational thinking is applied more easily to the execution of the algorithm than to the representation of the problem. This finding allows us to establish a programming learning process that facilitates the development of computational thinking, focusing first on applying that strategy to the creation of the algorithm and then to the representation of the problem.


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Author Biography

  • Beatriz Ortega-Ruipérez, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Academic background: PhD in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Master's degree in education and training technologies at the same university. Degree in psychology.

    Experience: Designer and developer of educational tales and video games in companies in the sector (G4M3 Studios, Smile and Learn). Responsible for Pedagogy in the Department of Education of BQ, worked in the pedagogical lines development of the department and monitoring of its evaluation. Professor in the Robotics, 3D Printing and Programming Expert (UNIR), Master's Degree in Teacher Training, in pedagogical innovation and TIC innovation (URJC), and the Master's Degree in Technology and Educational Innovation (FMI, attached to UCJC).
    She is currently in UNIR in the master's degree in educational technology and digital skills and in the master's degree in special education. And in URJC, in the Master's Degree in Teacher Training, in didactic and educational research subjects. Participates in the Laboratory of Information Technologies in Education (LITE-URJC).

    Lines of research: learning of programming and development of computational thinking, computer learning as a strategy for problem solving, educational robotics, learning with digital educational applications, innovation in teacher training, improvement of executive functions in special education students with technology.


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How to Cite

DIY robotics: computational thinking based patterns to improve problem solving. (2018). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 17(2), 129-143.

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