Co-design of open educational practices in a distance university




Design Based Research, Learning (Co)Design, Open Educational Practices, Transversal Competences, Curricular Design


This paper focuses on the analysis of a co-design process of open educational practices (OEP) for the development of transversal competences in a distance university. Through the active participation of teachers, students and researchers, the aim is to facilitate the curricular design of OEP, which favors the development of students’ transversal competences. The study is part of a broader research that applies the model of design-based research (DBR). Specifically, this paper deals with the analysis of the design phase, with a qualitative approach, by using participant observation and the analysis of the design products elaborated in the co-design process. The study aims to answer the following research questions: How is the co-design method carried out and how does it contribute to the design of OEP for the development of transversal competences? What kind of contributions do participants make and what role do they assume in the co-design process? The results reflect the dynamics of the co-design process, the type of contributions and roles assumed by each participant and the effective contribution of the co-design method for the design of the PEA, considering on one hand the degree of understanding and incorporation of the relevant concepts in the designed scenarios and, secondly, the usefulness of the design instruments used.


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How to Cite

Co-design of open educational practices in a distance university. (2019). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 18(2).

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