Between printed and digital: perspectives on textbooks and educational media for music education in Brazil.




Textbooks, Digital Textbooks, Music Education, Elementary Education, PNLD


The research field on textbooks for Music Education is relatively recent, a fact that brings yet a timid corpus or researches. Concerning digital textbooks, those researches are even scarcer. This paper discusses the digital solutions for Music Education in basic schooling in Brazil, and elect as study objects the «Teacher’s digital textbooks» for Art/Music Education, distributed by the Brazilian federal textbook program known as PNLD, in its 2020 edition. The theoretical framework is related to “manualistics” and studies connected to the concepts of schooling culture. The main method of this research is the document analysis taking as object the twenty eight digital art/music textbooks approved by the 2020 PNLD program. The results show that: digital textbooks became a reality in the Brazilian public textbook programs; the nature of those textbooks are still being shaped what is revealed by a variety of contours and structures, different of what happens in the printed version of textbooks, usually seen as more uniformed; the didactic models of those digital textbooks are, in general, still conservative, revealing a tendency of maintaining methodological models of the printed books. Finely, this research allows highlighting the efforts in offering better Art/Music digital textbooks to Brazilian students, enabling a dialogue with aspects of the contemporary world


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How to Cite

Between printed and digital: perspectives on textbooks and educational media for music education in Brazil. (2019). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 18(2).

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