The new learning ecology in the curriculum: the digital age at school
Learning Ecologies, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Digitalization, Educational Technology, New generationsAbstract
The expansion and growth of learning environments as a result of ICT integration have facilitated the emergence of different forms of educational interrelationship, leading to an interest in the study of the ecologies of learning and digital educational ecosystems. There is a growing need for a profound change in the teaching-learning process as students currently in the classroom demand an active, experiential and digital type of learning. The objective of this work is to analyze the new models or learning paradigms based on the interests of new generations learning in a context surrounded by ICT. The methodology used was qualitative. A systematic review of the scientific literature was carried out based on the adaptation of the PRISMA methodology. The results show us that the technological revolution has changed the way we do, to think and also to teach and learn. ICTs take on a special relevance throughout this process. With the entry of technology into the classroom, we are faced with a new ecology of learning, so the current school and curriculum model evolves to respond to the needs of society.
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