Educational interventions with robots for students on the autism spectrum. A systematic review




Systematic Review, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Socio-Educational Robotics, Intervention, Inclusion


This article describes the quantitative results of a study whose objective is to identify trends and opportunities for innovation in the field of socio-educational robotics to work with students with autism spectrum disorders. For the systematic review, those experiences and interventions where the protagonist is the student body have been considered. The focus is on their needs, not on the robot. Interventions that have been carried out where robots have been used as a teaching tool, whose design is aimed at the specific learning needs of this group. In order to find out if these interventions are integrative or segregating, both the characteristics of an excellent didactic practice aimed at this specific group and the inclusive point of view have been taken into account when making the analysis. For this, a systematic literature review has been carried out using a rigorously defined search strategy. This search has been carried out in the following databases; Web of Science, Eric and Dialnet, since they are the most used and relevant in ​​education. In the results obtained, it is possible to identify the advances in didactic models based on the use of robotics as an educational tool. Pedagogical activities carried out in recent years, and didactic resources; evaluation criteria, strategies and instruments, as well as application experiences in real school contexts.


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How to Cite

Educational interventions with robots for students on the autism spectrum. A systematic review. (2022). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 21(2), 27-43.

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