Towards an education for critical and active digital citizenship in the university.




Neo-republicanism, digital citizenship, digital citizenship education, digital citizenship scale, cyberactivism


We start with the neo-republican model of citizenship proposed by Habermas to situate it in the context of the digital age. The digital citizen is defined as a person who exercises their rights on the Internet of citizenship from ethical and critical principles consistent with a political activism, in order to promote social change. This study has focused on the evaluation of digital citizenship through the Digital Citizenship Scale of Choi, Glassman and Cristol (2017), with the aim of ascertaining, what profile, dimensions and needs of digital citizenship characterize the university students interviewed (n = 250). The results show that young university students have high digital skills and technical skills, as well as a very regular use of digital media. However, the dimensions of critical approach and political activism o cyberactivsim are deficient. Finally, the fact of seeking information or information through digital means significantly leads to greater digital citizenship, while the accomplishment of activities and academic university tasks does not bring any increase. In conclusion, the university educational level faces the challenge of promoting critical and active digital citizenship education, especially in its dimension of activism or online engagement in all aspects of the teaching-learning process.


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How to Cite

Towards an education for critical and active digital citizenship in the university. (2019). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 18(1), 175-187.

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