Design, implementation and evaluation of a music-technology intervention based on TPACK and PBL in the initial formation of High-School music teachers




Music Education, Information and Communication Technologies, Project-Based Learning, Collaborative Learning, Initial Teacher Training


This article presents a research that has tried to strengthen the technological formation in the initial teacher training of High-School music-education teachers in a Chilean university. Starting with the detection of a training problem related to the technological contents received in a subject of the career, a teaching intervention was designed, implemented and evaluated over a semester. The intervention design took into account technological literacy components, project-based learning strategy (ABP) and a methodology for integrating disciplinary-technological-pedagogical content known as TPACK. The training products, objects of the students’ projects, have been teaching materials applicable in the High School music classroom. The results show a good reception and assessment of the subject by students, who assign meaning to technology in their profession, improve their self-perception of their technological skills in educational situations and perceive that technology can helps consolidate their professional profile.


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Author Biographies

  • Jesus Tejada, University of Valencia (Spain)

    Instituto de Creatividad e Innovaciones Educativas.

  • Tomás Thayer, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación (Chile)

    Profesor titular. Dpto. de Música. Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación. 


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How to Cite

Design, implementation and evaluation of a music-technology intervention based on TPACK and PBL in the initial formation of High-School music teachers. (2019). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 18(2).

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