Community manager in pre-schools and primary schools. A case study
Social Media, Social Networks, Elementary Schools, Online communication, FacebookAbstract
The consolidation of social media as a form of institutional communication makes it necessary to incorporate specialised workers in this area. Thus, the figure of the community manager and his or her professional skills become very important. The research is based on the hypothesis that primary schools need to have a community manager or a designated worker in place, to carry out their core functions, as better and faster communication between centres and families is becoming essential. This study is an analysis of the inclusion of this professional profile in Primary Schools in Extremadura (Spain). A survey was designed and sent to all the schools, and the social media profiles of the schools were analysed. After processing the data obtained, the results show that the incorporation of this professional profile in the centres is not very widespread in the region analysed. However, primary school management teams are understanding the need for proper management and communication on social media in order to offer the best possible service to their stakeholders.
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