Women and educational technology in Spanish universities. The nooks of invisibility





Digital gender gap, Female visibility/invisibility, Educational technology, Glass ceiling, University


The aim of this study is to find out the situation of teaching staff in educational technology at Spanish universities and the visibility of their research, taking two basic dimensions into account: productivity and recognition. It is a documentary study with quantitative analysis, focused on four dimensions: the presence of women in Spanish public universities in the academic field of Educational Technology; the professional categories they work in (through institutional websites); the H-Index extracted from the academic social network Researchgate (analysed with IBM SPSS STADISTICS Version 27) and the participation of women in two of the Spanish international conferences leading Educational Technology: the Initiative of the Association for the Development of Educational Technology and New Technologies applied to Education (EDUTEC) and the Educational Technology Conference for Education (JUTE) (through the programmes published). The results show that women teachers in the field of Educational Technology in Spain represent more than 41% of the total. This representation does not correspond to the visible presence in the different academic fields that indicate productivity and recognition. The gender perspective of the academic field of Educational Technology in Spain is not very optimistic, as it reproduces the patterns that are seen in most areas of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Women and educational technology in Spanish universities. The nooks of invisibility. (2022). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 21(2), 9-25. https://doi.org/10.17398/1695-288X.21.2.9

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