FACCE: Framework for assessing cognitive load in online education





Cognitive load, Instructional design, Evaluation, Distance education, Usability


Analyzing the cognitive load involved in the online teaching and learning process is an important factor in ensuring more concrete educational results, mainly because it observes the interference that different formats of content presentation can cause in the acquisition of information by human memory. With this in mind, this article presents a Framework called FACCE, which is based on aspects arising from the convergence of four studies: the Cognitive Load Theory, the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning, the principles of electronic learning and the Usability Heuristics of Interfaces and search instrumentalize the assessment of cognitive load in online education. This is a qualitative research that addresses the construction and validation of FACCE which was built based on the resources available in HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap Framework, JavaScript and PHP. For data collection in the validation phase of the tool, an adaptation of the SUS System Usability Scale (System Usability Scale) was used, which identifies the quality of the interface of computer systems. The results showed that the proposed Framework has interface quality and therefore can be widely used in the qualification of online teaching from the balance of the cognitive load in the presentation of contents.


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How to Cite

FACCE: Framework for assessing cognitive load in online education. (2022). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 21(2), 111-129. https://doi.org/10.17398/1695-288X.21.2.111

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