Use of open educational resource repositories in pedagogical practices: a systematic review




Education, Learning Objects, Open Educational Resources, Learning Object Repositories, Information and Communication Technologies


The creation of Open Educational Resources (OER) has as its basic principle to provide democratic access to knowledge. To achieve this purpose, OER should be made available in Learning Object Repositories (LOR), and they must have open access. The objective of this research is to identify the use of LOR in pedagogical practices and the support material to be an OER. Data were collected from scientific articles, published from 2014 to 2018, available from the Web of Science, Scopus, DOAJ, ERIC, Redalyc and in institutional repositories of scientific publications made available in Brazil and Spain. The search consisted in identifying articles that reported proposals for teaching-learning practices, using open access resources and repositories. Applying the systematic review methods, 1,201 publications were initially retrieved, and from this list, 42 articles were selected for reading and analysis, as they present relevant content with the theme of this research. It was possible to identify teaching initiatives using OER, practices with the objective of acquiring technological knowledge and using it to promote participatory and collaborative learning with the use of OER. However, it was not possible to identify consolidated practices in the publications, as the OERs presented were not available for free use and, therefore, distanced themselves from the concept of open access.


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Author Biographies

  • Flavio Ferreira Borges, Universidade Federal de Brasília - UnB

    PhD student in Education at the Graduate Program in Education at the University of Brasilia (UnB), in the research line Technologies and Communication in Education (ETEC), in Cotutela regime with the National University of Education at Distânia (UNED), Madrid / ES. Master in Computer Science from the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), specialization in Educational Informatics from the Federal University of Lavras in Minas Gerais (UFLA). Graduated in Mathematics from the University of Rio Verde (UniRV) in Goiás. Adjunct Professor II at the Federal University of Jataí (UFJ) in Goiás, assigned to the Computer Science course.

  • Janaína Angelina Teixeira, University of Brasília (Brazil)

    Pedagogue, specialist in distance education, MSc in administration, is currently a PhD in education student at University of Brasilia/UnB, Brazil. Janaina has already given lectures on tutor training, teacher training and pedagogical tools for teaching practice  in institutions such as INEP and UnB. She is a substitute professor at the Faculty of Education of the University of Brasília, Department of Planning and Administration. She's senior researcher in the cooperation term 01/2015 MJ / SENACON and FUB / CDT - Prospecting of information technologies applied to public policies for protection of consumer protection . She worked as a tutor at the Open University of Brazil, in the pedagogical course from 2012 to 2015, she was a pedagogical coordinator of courses in the distance modality for several public and private agencies, among them: TRE-AM, SEBRAE-National; ABRANDH; Federal Court of the Federal District; Ministry of Labor and FIOCRUZ, she's was coordinator  pedagogical in the Technical Training Program in Mediation and Conciliation of the National School of Mediation and Conciliation - ENAM,  from 2012 to 2015. She was pedagogical supervisor in the project Development of Innovative Processes for Formulation of Public Policies of Volunteering in Mega-events. She is a researcher in the area of active methodologies, distance education, teacher training, gamification, mobile technologies and innovation in services.

  • Sara Osuna Acedo, National University of Distance Education (Spain)

    Sara Osuna-Acedo has been a doctor of Philosophy and Educational Sciences from UNED since 2004. She is a professor of Communication and Education at UNED.
    Her lines of research are MOOCs (sMOOC and tMOOC), media convergence, digital scenarios, disability and design for all, digital learning and social networks, publishing scientific articles in top-level international magazines.
    She coordinated the European project "(ECO)" Elearning, Communication and Open-data Mobile, Massive and Ubiquitous Learning ", for 3 years, where 21 partners from nine different countries participated. She has also been a researcher in recent competitive research projects, being the last "Transalphabetismo. Transmedia competences and informal strategies for adolescent learning "from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.
    Lastly, at UNED, she took the position of Coordinator of Institutional Courses for 3 years, and Deputy Vice-Rector for Ongoing Formation for four years.


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How to Cite

Use of open educational resource repositories in pedagogical practices: a systematic review. (2020). Latin American Journal of Educational Technology - RELATEC, 19(2), 115-133.

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